Monday, November 12, 2018

How to find your Google Analytics tracking ID

If you use Google Analytics, you'll need to reference your Google Analytics tracking ID to integrate the app with other programs or web sites.  You may already know your Google Analytics tracking ID, but if not, you can find it easily.

- Log into your Google Analytics account.
- Click the Admin section on the left sidebar.
- Click Account Settings.

Your tracking ID will be displayed under the "Account Id" heading.  To use this ID with another program, add Google's "UA-" prefix before the number.  For example, if your account ID is "12345678," your Google Analytics tracking ID would be "UA-12345678."

To find the property-specific tracking ID for an individual tracked property:

- Log into your Google Analytics account.
- Click the Admin section on the left sidebar.
- Select the property from the drop-down list under the "Property" heading in the center column.
- Click Property Settings.

The tracking ID for that property will be listed under the "Tracking Id" heading.  It will generally be your Google Analytics tracking ID with a counter digit appended to it.  For example, if your Google Analytics tracking ID is "UA-12345678" then the property ID for your first tracked property would probably be "UA-12345678-1."

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